Providing housing and support services to impoverished and underserved populations within the Hudson Valley since 2010.

Supporting our community through action.


Pathways Community Support Services, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization based in Poughkeepsie, NY. Founded in 2010 by a small group of committed local leaders, its mission is to provide social services, transitional housing and create a positive impact for low income and underserved populations. Since its beginning, Pathways has provided over 25,000 service days and served over 800 individuals.


Social Services

The staff at Pathways works closely with Dutchess County’s Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS). We are able to support our residents as they navigate and apply for county services and programs.


Transitional Housing

We know that without a stable living environment, becoming a healthy person is greatly inhibited. Having transitional housing allows an individual and families a chance to improve their health, gain access to employment services, stay safe, and bolster their self esteem.


Strengthening our Community

Our Hudson Valley community is a diverse, picturesque, and vibrant place to live and work.. Pathways is also aware that what makes the community so vibrant and diverse are its people. We are dedicated to making our community stronger by providing quality assistance to the individuals in our facility. When one member of society is suffering, we are all suffering.

“Being compassionate does more than increase feelings of well-being. It also has the ability to transform feelings of insecurity, stress, and depression into pleasure and happiness. The individual or families that I have helped appreciate it and it gives them hope. Every person needs help at one point or another in their life and homeless people should be no different. Respect the homeless as individuals. Give them the same courtesy and regard you would give your friends, family, or employer and respond to them with kindness”

- Sheri Johnson, Pathways Manager



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Phone (845) 229 - 4727